Do You Have A Viable Whistleblower Lawsuit In Your Hands?
A whistleblower attorney can help determine if you have a viable lawsuit. Here are a few questions that a whistleblower attorney can help you determine whether the information you have can be used to institute a whistleblower lawsuit. What type of wrong has been committed? The first question to ask when seeking to determine the validity of your information is, “what type of wrong has been committed?” Whistleblowers can report numerous wrongs under various statutes. Consult a whistleblower lawyer to determine whether the information you have attracts any penalties under law. What benefit can be received? Institution of whistleblower lawsuits requires an investment of time, effort, and money, amongst other resources. It is pertinent that you weigh how worthwhile a lawsuit would be before you proceed with it. Under certain statutes, whistleblowers are entitled to a percentage of the money recovered through the lawsuit under certain statutes, and whistleblower attorneys can help...