Strategies For Defending Against Allegations Of Healthcare Fraud

If found guilty of healthcare fraud, healthcare professionals could have their medical license revoked, be imposed with monetary penalties, or worse still, be incarcerated. Therefore, it is important to have good defense strategies against such allegations.

Do not speak unless your healthcare attorney is present

Do not speak during interrogations unless your healthcare attorney is present or you have the express permission of your attorney to speak. If you do not have an attorney, remember you have the right to legal counsel and need not speak until you hire one. Your words must be guarded as they can be used against you in court.

Hire a healthcare fraud attorney, pronto!

Only a healthcare defense attorney can provide the right counsel and prepare a solid defense against medicare fraud allegations. The prosecution does not need to prove knowledge of fraud to hold you liable for healthcare fraud.

Do not underestimate the relevancy of paperwork

Only a healthcare attorney can determine the relevancy of a document in your defense. No matter how insignificant a document may seem to you, collect them all and hand them over to your attorney. This is just as important as verbally disclosing all of the information pertaining to the alleged fraud and will help your attorney prepare the best defense for you.

Be courteous, at all times

While you have the right to be silent when questioned by investigative authorities, that does not mean you have the right to be rude with them. However preposterous the allegations may be, be polite and courteous at all times. Do not risk prejudice by authorities by irking them during the course of investigation. Remember that you do not have to fight your case, your healthcare fraud attorney will do that for you.


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