Why Do Doctors Need Lawyers?
Lawyers for doctors in the US do more than just help them with paperwork and registrations. They protect the doctors against allegations of healthcare fraud. These allegations, if left undefended, could end in a conviction which could lead to imprisonment, penalties, loss of license to practice, etc. This blog outlines the significance of doctors for lawyers. They intimate you of crimes Most doctors are not even aware that their actions constitute healthcare fraud under various laws. A lawyer for doctors will be able to intimate them of what actions of theirs attract penal provisions of anti-healthcare fraud laws in the US. Healthcare fraud can be broadly categorized as making deliberate misrepresentations, deliberately receiving incentives for referrals, or making referrals that are illegal. Specifically, this could look like billing for services not provided or offered, ordering services that are medically unnecessary, billing for appointments that were not kept, etc. They intimate ...